Surprisingly, writing this blog is taking a bit of requires me to believe that I have something to say, something to contribute to others. I have the tendency to think that believing in myself is arrogant, and that doing well is embarrassing. Where the heck did that come from! :) I am realizing, however, that being me is amazing, and being me is healing.
Being a healer or a heroine or a positive influence in some one's life does not require training, or great meaningful pursuits. There is a woman, Mrs. R, who lives at the retirement community where I work as a hostess. She comes into the Grill every night with her walker. She can barely get around, and I think is often in quite a bit of pain, and yet when she speaks to you she radiates love. She may say nothing more than "Good evening darling! Isn't it such a beautiful and wonderful day" (it can be snowing, raining, windy, sunny, cold, dark, blustery...she thinks it is all beautiful). And when she asks how you are doing she really is interested in your response. For me, just seeing her have so much love for herself and the small moments of life is healing. You can see it is healing to all the others around her for when she sits at a table, immediately it is full of people, lively conversation, and laughter. She thinks she has something worth saying, and it is healing to all around her. She is not trying, she is just being herself. She is not doing anything huge or amazing, just going to dinner, and yet it shifts my day. I think the best thing about her is that she wears white velcro sneakers that she has decorated with glow in the dark puff paint! They make her happy, she says. Maybe I'll go get a pair...
Then write her a Thank You note.
So here I go, unafraid to be myself, to love, and to be of service.